The Difference is Trust
The Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust provides the highest quality employee benefits at competitive rates to municipal and quasi-municipal organizations and county governments throughout the state. In order to be eligible for participation in the Health Trust, an employer group must be a member or associate member of the Maine Municipal Association.
Health Trust plans have been provided on a self-insured basis since 1983. These programs are designed and governed by Health Trust participants, and administered by a number of third-party administrators contracted by the Health Trust. Since its inception, the Health Trust has been committed to providing the most comprehensive support services to its member employers and their participating employees.
At the present time, over 450 municipalities, counties, special districts, and non-profit organizations participate in one or more of the Health Trust’s plans. The Health Trust offers the best participant services available to local governments and their employees in the state of Maine. The Health Trust works hard to provide superior customer service; to improve the health status of the Trust’s members; to improve the quality of health care delivery; and to control costs.
The Health Trust is committed to containing costs while maintaining quality benefit programs. The Health Trust has worked hard to achieve this goal through cost-effective benefit design, third party recoveries, sound financial management, and benefit education and communication. We are a fully funded, self-insured trust combining the savings of a well-administered group of plans with the protection of specific reinsurance.