Wellness Works, the Health Education and Promotion Program of the Maine Municipal Employees Health Trust, works to improve the lifestyle status of employees and their families. We develop and provide quality health education and wellness programs for the benefit of Health Trust Participants. The Health Trust is dedicated to making your municipality a healthier place to live and work. The impact of healthy lifestyle changes can result in improved employee morale and quality of life, and reduced absenteeism in the workplace.
This goal is achieved by promoting education, incentive programs, and prevention and screening programs at individual work-sites. Wellness Works staff is available to assist in identifying the specific health issues of employees. Health education programs can then be provided for the particular areas identified. These services are available to employees covered under the Health Trust health plan.
Contact Anne Charles at 1-800-452-8786 ext. 2292 or via email at acharles@memun.org to see how this program can work for you!